I'd like to give some advice before start your Django journey and Django 
project configurations
---------- Before Start Django ----------
1. master Python "class" bacause you might use django class-based view a 
lot, learn "decorator" and standard library "datetime" and "re"
2. choose "Python version" for your django project, I recommend Python 3.10 
or 3.11. You should check current installed Python version
    in your terminal --> py --version
** if you use Unix OS like MacOS or Linux, type "python3" instead of "py"
3. I highly recommend create virtual environment for each django project, 
install virtualenv with pip
    windows cmd --> py -m pip install virtualenv
        then --> py -m virtualenv app-env
    macos terminal --> python3 -m pip install virtualenv
        then --> python3 -m virtualenv app-env
4. activate virtual environment you just created
    windows cmd --> app-env\Scripts\activate.bat   or  
    macos terminal --> source/bin/activate
    to stop virtualenv just type --> deactivate
5. install django latest version via pip (you must activate virtualenv 
    --> py -m pip install django
---------- Start Django ----------
1. start new django project (don't forget to activate virtualenv first)
    --> django-admin startproject my-app
2. go inside project folder and create "requirements.txt" and type all 
requirement library for your project
   --- requirements.txt ---
django >= 4.2.0, < 4.3.0
wheel >= 0.4.0
ipython >= 8.11.0                       # python shell for django project
python-decouple >= 3.7.0        # for hiding sensitive data in settings.py 
before uploading to git
setuptools >= 67.7.0
psycopg >= 3.0.0                       # postgresql database driver. if you 
use django 4.1 or lower you must install psycopg2 instead of psycopg
 mysqlclient => 2.1.1                # mysql database driver. if you 
already use postgresql you don't need this
3. install specified dependencies
    --> py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    for upgrade your dependencies --> py -m pip install --upgrade -r 
    by doing this you have more control to your project dependencies
    for example if you specified "django >= 4.2.0, < 4.3.0" it will upgrade 
django between 4.2.0 to 4.2.* but never 4.3.0
4. in your main project directory it will have 3 files now
    my-app,  manage.py  and  requirements.txt
5. open "settings.py" in "my-app"
    first thing you need to be cautious is SECRET_KEY constant. You must 
never lose it or expose this to public that's why "python-decouple" library 
    for more information https://pypi.org/project/python-decouple/
6. in DATABASE section change it to your database
    --- for postgresql ---
'default': {
    --- for mysql ---
'default': {
add your "user" and "password", both database port above are default port 
7. start your first database migrate
--> py manage.py migrate

Now go for Django Tutorial --> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/
I hope this help you avoid some problems in the future.

ในวันที่ วันอังคารที่ 30 พฤษภาคม ค.ศ. 2023 เวลา 21 นาฬิกา 56 นาที 14 วินาที 
UTC+7 Veronica Ndemo เขียนว่า:

> Hi guys I need help.I am just getting started in using Django and I would 
> love to get guidance on how to go about the Django framework

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