On 24/03/2023 05.16, bing wrote:
I am using the email module in Django to inform of users with their registration. Sometimes it can send email successfully, but more often, it fails. I searched for many solutions, but did not change this situation.

That is not really related to Django but more related to your email provider (or SMTP server).

It seems like you're using some Chinese email provider (139.com) and I have no idea what their reputation is, but it is completely up to the receiver of the email (or their email provider) whether they want to accept the email or not. If they don't it will most often just fail silently as you experience.

Not much to do about that. That's just how SMTP (email) has been designed (or not) back in the days.

You could try using another provider or setting up your own SMTP server (which is far from trivial to do and maintain).

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

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