The easiest way to do this is to have a query of all students that has that
Add Something like this to your parent detail views,

students = Students.objects.filter(parent__id = pk)
context["students"] = students

Your Template should be

{% for student in students %}

{% endfor %}

On Fri, Mar 17, 2023, 04:02 nef <> wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> Thanks for your feedback.
> Please, is there anyone  who can help me on how to do it?
> Thank you
> On Thursday, 16 March 2023 at 22:01:53 UTC+1 Namanya Daniel wrote:
>> You need to achieve related fields to achieve the most of this… thank you
>> On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 at 23:59, Namanya Daniel <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello… am using a phone to reply this but I would love to give a hint on
>>> something. When you have a child, it’s means there’s a parent foreign key
>>> in the child model. You can use grouper to group child model results so
>>> that every is grouped together under a particular parent field.
>>> On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 at 21:22, nef <> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am facing problem to display a sub-list.
>>>> In my model, I ahave a Student and Parent models. A prent can have one
>>>> or more students.
>>>> I want to list all the student in the parent page, but it is not
>>>> showing.
>>>> Please see here my code.
>>>> Models
>>>> class Student(models.Model):
>>>>     #std_matricule = models.CharField(verbose_name='Student
>>>> matricule', max_length=6, null=False, unique=True, primary_key=True)
>>>>     std_matricule = models.CharField(verbose_name='Matricule', unique=
>>>> True, max_length=16, null=False, blank=False, help_text='Matricule of
>>>> the student')
>>>>     std_parents = models.ForeignKey(Parents, on_delete=models.
>>>> DO_NOTHING, related_name='Parents', unique=False, null=True, blank=True,
>>>> verbose_name='Student parents')
>>>>     std_email = models.EmailField(verbose_name='Email', null=False,
>>>> blank=True, help_text='Enter the email of the student or leave blank
>>>> if not exist')
>>>>     std_password = models.CharField(verbose_name='Password', max_length
>>>> =512, null=False, blank=True, help_text='Type the password with 6
>>>> characters minimum')
>>>>     std_surname = models.CharField(verbose_name='Surname', null=False,
>>>> blank=False, max_length=128, help_text='Type the Surname of the
>>>> student as in the birth certificate')
>>>>     std_firstname = models.CharField(verbose_name='First name', null=
>>>> False, blank=True, max_length=128, help_text='Type the student first
>>>> name')
>>>>     std_midlename = models.CharField(verbose_name='Midle name', null=
>>>> False, blank=True, max_length=128, help_text='Type the student first
>>>> name')
>>>>     std_nickname = models.CharField(verbose_name='Student Nickname',
>>>> max_length=64, null=False, blank=True, help_text='If exist, type
>>>> student nickname here')
>>>> lass Parents(models.Model):
>>>>     father_surname = models.CharField(verbose_name='Father surname',
>>>> max_length=128, null=False, blank=True, help_text='Student Father
>>>> surname as in the birth certificate')
>>>>     father_firstName = models.CharField(verbose_name='Father name',
>>>> max_length=128, null=False, blank=True)
>>>>     father_phone = models.CharField(verbose_name='Father phone number',
>>>> max_length=24, null=False, blank=True, help_text='Phone number of the
>>>> Father')
>>>>     father_dateOfBirth = models.DateField(verbose_name='Father date of
>>>> birth', null=True, blank=True)
>>>>     father_placeOfBirth = models.CharField(verbose_name='Father place
>>>> of birth', max_length=512, null=True, blank=True)
>>>>     father_nationality = models.CharField('Father nationality',
>>>> max_length=256, null=False, blank=True)
>>>>     father_adress = models.CharField(verbose_name='Father resident
>>>> adress', max_length=512, null=False, blank=True)
>>>>     father_occupation = models.CharField(verbose_name='Father
>>>> occupation', max_length=512, null=False, blank=True)
>>>>     mother_surname = models.CharField(verbose_name='Mother surname',
>>>> null=False, max_length=128, help_text='Student Father name as in the
>>>> birth certificate')
>>>>     mother_firstName = models.CharField(verbose_name='Mother name',
>>>> max_length=128, null=False, blank=True)
>>>>     mother_phone = models.CharField(verbose_name='Mother phone number',
>>>> max_length=64, null=False, blank=True, help_text='Phone number of the
>>>> mother')
>>>>     mother_dateOfBirth = models.DateField(verbose_name='Mother date of
>>>> birth', null=True, blank=True)
>>>>     mother_placeOfBirth = models.CharField(verbose_name='Mother place
>>>> of birth', max_length=512, null=False, blank=True)
>>>>     mother_nationality = models.CharField('Mother nationality',
>>>> max_length=512, null=False, blank=True)
>>>>     mother_adress = models.CharField(verbose_name='Mother resident
>>>> adress', max_length=512, null=False, blank=True)
>>>>     mother_occupation = models.CharField(verbose_name='Mother
>>>> occupation', max_length=512, null=False, blank=True)
>>>> View
>>>> def parentsDetails(request, pk):
>>>>     parentObj = Parents.objects.get(parent_id=pk)
>>>>     context = {'parentObj': parentObj}
>>>>     return render(request,
>>>> "students_management_app/parents-single.html", context)
>>>> Template
>>>> {% extends 'main.html' %}
>>>>     {% block content %}
>>>>         <h1>A parent page for more details </h1>
>>>>         <!-- <img src= "{{ buildingObj.buildingIMG1.url }}"> -->
>>>>         <h1>{{parentObj.std_matricule}}</h1>
>>>>         <br>
>>>>         <h2>Father full name: {{parentObj.father_firstName}}
>>>> {{parentObj.father_surname}}</h2>
>>>>         <br>
>>>>         <h2>Mother full name: {{parentObj.mother_firstName}}
>>>> {{parentObj.mother_surname}}</h2>
>>>>         <p>
>>>>             Register date: {{parentObj.parent_createDate}}
>>>>         </p>
>>>>         <p><a href="{% url 'parents-list' %}">Add parents</a><br/></p>
>>>>         <br/>
>>>>         {% if parentObj.student_set.all %}
>>>>             {% for student in parentObj.students_set.all %}
>>>>                 <h2>List of students</h2>
>>>>                 <p>{{student.std_matricule}}</p>
>>>>                 <p>{{student.std_firstname}} {{student.std_midlename}}
>>>> {{student.std_surname}}</p>
>>>>                 <p>{{student.std_sex}}</p>
>>>>             {% endfor %}
>>>>         {% endif %}
>>>>         <p>No Student found in the database</p>
>>>>     {% endblock content %}
>>>>     <p>Footer</p>
>>>> The page is displaying well with all the information for the parent,
>>>> but not student data.
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Eric
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