Se comments below.

Den fre 24 feb. 2023 kl 12:14 skrev Byansi Samuel <

> Hey everyone, l got a problem. Am trying to retrieve a single latest
> object added everytime, and display it in the template.
> Below is my codes but;
> Help me figure it out the source of the problem in these different
> instances below 👇
> _______________________ issue number 1_______
> #Action/
> class ActionGame(models.Model):
>         name=models.Charfield()
>         published=models.DateTimeField()
> #Action/
> from Action.models import ActionGame
> def action (request):
>         latest_action=ActionGame.objects.filter(published=published).
> latest()
> Context={ 'latest_action': latest_action }
> return....
> But it returns *error* :
> name 'published' is not defined

You haven't defined what the value of published is. If you want to get the
last created one the query should be:
latest_action=ActionGame.objects.latest("published") - that would give you
the last published item. Another way would be:

> ____________________ issue number 2________
> #Action/
> class ActionGame(models.Model):
>         name=models.Charfield()
>         published=models.DateTimeField()
>         class Meta:
>               get_latest_by='published'
> #Action/
> ........
> latest_action=ActionGame.objects. latest()
> .......
> #but it returns *error* :
> 'ActionGame' object is not iterable
> Even if I try this:
> ............
> latest_action=ActionGame.objects. latest('published')
> .......
> #it returns the Same error:
> 'ActionGame' object is not iterable
> But this second issue, the error is referred in #action.html
> {% for x in latest _action %}
> <p>{{ x.game_name }}</p>
> {% endfor %}
So the latest_action variable that you have sent to the template is an
instance of ActionGame - and not a list or anything. You can only access
variables in the ActionGame class. For example:

 <p>{{ }}</p>

would print out the value of the name of the ActionGame instance.

Please l need your assistance.
> I'm Samuel,
> Thanks
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