I've tried uploading the data I'm entering in the webpage to the database, 
but the data is not entering. Since I am new to django, I don't know what 
the error is. Can anyone please help me? I am using Mysql database.

*My views.py:*

*from django.views.generic import FormView, TemplateView*
*from .forms import EmailForm*
*from django.urls import reverse_lazy*
*from mailapp.models import Email*
*from django.shortcuts import render*

*class MailView(FormView):*
*    template_name = 'index.html'*
*    form_class = EmailForm*
*    success_url = reverse_lazy('mailapp:success')*

*    def form_valid(self, form):*
*        # Calls the custom send method*
*        form.send()*
*        return super().form_valid(form)*
*    def registered(request):*
*        if request.method == 'POST':*
*            if request.POST.get('name') and request.POST.get('email') and 
request.POST.get('inquiry') and request.POST.get('message'):*
*                mail = Email()*
*                mail.name = request.POST.get('name')*
*                mail.email = request.POST.get('email')*
*                mail.inquiry = request.POST.get('inquiry')*
*                mail.message = request.POST.get('message')*
*                mail.save() *
*                return render(request, 'success.html')*
*        else:*
*            return render(request, 'success.html')*
*class MailSuccessView(TemplateView):*
*    template_name = 'success.html'*


*from django.db import models*
*from django.contrib.auth.models import User*

*class Email(models.Model):*

*    name = models.CharField(max_length=120)*
*    email = models.EmailField()*
*    inquiry = models.CharField(max_length=70)*
*    message = models.CharField(max_length=300)*
*    def __str__(self):*
*        return self.name*


*from django.contrib import admin*
*from .models import Email*

Thank you in advance!!

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