You have shared very little which means I will make some assumptions about 
your specific implementation need. I see you have a Book model that has 
total number of books. I imagine you want to *minus* or *add *to the total 
number of books every time a book is borrowed or new books are added to the 

Depending on requirements, you could:

   - Use what is called a calculated field in the model 
   - Calculate the remaining the number of books in the views whenever an 
   event occurs (one that affects the total of numbers of books), say a 
   student borrowing a book. 

On Saturday, 30 April 2022 at 21:48:15 UTC+3 wrote:

> In a book bank made in Django, I want to show only the remaining books 
> instead of all books. This I want to upgrade in the code below????
> def view_books_student(request): 
>     books = Book.objects.all() 
>     return render(request, "view_books_student.html", {'books':books})

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