But the link tells you the details and how to solve the problem.
Anyway, I think you forgot to share the said screenshots. I can't find them.

Also, when you are asking please, don't try to direct us how we should
solve this problem. Just detail your problem and wait for your answer.

A circular import happens when you have fileA that has something say a
class A, then another file B with also a class B
Then class A imports class B from file B which is also importing class A
from B.
So the program keeps importing and never completes the cycle.

If you have to use the two like that, then put them in the same file. It is
always my shortcut.

On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 11:26 PM Kasper Laudrup <laud...@stacktrace.dk>

> On 03/03/2022 20.38, Ruzindana Kent wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I'm new to django and also new in the group, I wanted to know how to
> > solve circula import errors. here is a screenshot of the error from the
> > terminal.
> >
> > Any reply about that will be helpful, thank you
> >
> Remember that Django is a Python framework, so circular imports are
> mostly a Python thing not specific to Django:
> https://www.pythonpool.com/python-circular-import/
> Kind regards,
> Kasper Laudrup
> --
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