mysql-connector-python 8.0.27 has another bug (see
so I did not try it.

mysql-connector-python 8.0.26 did not have this problem with Django 3.1. So
the bug must have been introduced in the transition to Django 3.2.

>From what I am picking up (for example from Lakshyaraj Dash above),
mysql-connector-python seems to be buggy generally and mysqlclient should
be used as the first choice.

On Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 4:14 PM Jason <> wrote:

> can you observe the same behavior in previous versions of connector?  You
> listed two patch versions, makes me curious where in the 8.x version line
> this works.  Likely this is an issue with mysql-connector-python, but with
> it being an Oracle product, it doesn't have much internal visibility.  So
> could be helpful to downgrade versions till you get a working one.
> On Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 9:01:51 PM UTC-5
> wrote:
>> Use only the mysqlclient package to populate your admin site with MySQL
>> database.
>> You can watch this tutorial also :
>> On Thu, Feb 3, 2022, 06:19 Richard Mayebo <> wrote:
>>> Platform: Observed on Ubuntu 20.04
>>>    1. Install MySQL (Observed on 5.7 and 8.0)
>>>    2. Create a Virtual environment using venv, and activate it.
>>>    3. Install Django 3.2.11
>>>    4. Install mysql-connector-python (Observed on 8.0.26 and 8.0.28)
>>>    5. Install django-easy-audit and/or django-axes (both these third
>>>    party packages populate the Django Admin Site, where the apparent bug
>>>    manifests).
>>>    6. Create a superuser (python createsuperuser)
>>>    7. Start Django (python runserver)
>>>    8. Launch the Django Admin Site and log in with the superuser.
>>>    9. The pane on the left hand side will have links to objects created
>>>    by django-easy-audit and/or django-axes, depending on what was installed.
>>>    10. Click on the "Request event" link under "Easy Audit Application"
>>>    or "Access logs" under "Axes"
>>>    11. RESULT:
>>> Template error: In template
>>> /home/......../.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html,
>>> error at line 44
>>>    'NoneType' object has no attribute 'day' [*OR  'NoneType' object has
>>> no attribute 'month'*]
>>> This behaviour is observed on MySQL 5.7.37 and 8.0.26 using
>>> my-sql-connector 8.0.26 and 8.0.28.
>>> Replacing MySQL with SQLite or PostgreSQL 12 solves the issue.
>>> Replacing the connector with mysqlclient-2.1.0 solves the issue.
>>> This implies there is a bug in the interaction between third-party
>>> packages like django-easy-audit and django-axes, Django 3.2.11 and
>>> my-sql-connector 8.0.26 and 8.0.28.
>>> Has similar behaviour been observed by anyone else? In any case, how can
>>> this be brought to the attention of the development team?
>>> My apologies if this is the wrong forum for this post. I am new at this.
>>> Regards,
>>> Richard.
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