who have  built apps like this one? i need help guys! 

E-Learning Platform(Web App) built-in Python Django Rest Framework for 
backend  and React Native (UX/UI and Development for frontend.
A fully functional E-Learning platform with frontend pages. Home, About, 
Blog, Login, How it Works etc
A fully functional E-Learning web application and Android ,IOS APPS where 
users can log in, add courses to cart and checkout out, ask help for their 
Tasks ,instants Task and homeworks 
Three user types: Instructor, Student(Regular User), Admin
Python Django Rest Framework
React/Vue Js
AWS (s3 for file storage and ec2 for hosting)

User Types
Regular  Users (students)
Log in / sign up
Search for classes
Filter out classes by live or self-paced; date starting, certificate
Viewing description of the class (on its own page)
Enroll in a class by clicking “enroll”
Filling out enrollment forms
Once logged in, will have other classes similar to the one they enrolled in
See their classes in the “my classes” section
When in the class, have an area where they can see the course overview, a 
section for them to put notes while taking the class, Q&A that will involve 
students posting a question and other students plus instructor can answer 
it, and a resource section where students can see any resources that were 
uploaded from the instructor, and an announcement area to see any 
announcements from instructors.
Can message instructors
Students will be able to enroll in classes without waiting for approval 
unless it's a live class, then it will be a first-come, first-serve basis.

2. Instructors
Admin Can sign up Instructors to become tutors
Tutor can only login as tutor(no register by himself only admin can 
register him) and tutor can register a new class to the platform and upload 
the videos
Videos will be on the draft until they are ready to publish live. That way 
they can preview the quality of their videos
Instructors can upload a course overview
Can view and  message their students, answer questions in Q&A thread, post 
See and respond to reviews
Can upload any course material under resources
Will receive payment (working out the details on how or when)
For classes that are live, instructors will need the available to limit the 
number of students that can enroll.

3. Admin
Can view instructors and students
Can delete, add instructors and students that break guidelines and policies
Can update terms and policies
Approve payouts
Also, receive their pay ( still working on details)

Other notes:
Payment details are still being worked out (not sure whether we will have 
payment info saved on the platform or how instructors will be paid and admin
Website will function like udemy.com but with options for live classes as 
Haven't worked out whether live classes will be done directly through the 
platform or if we will need to integrate a 3rd party classroom software
Any classes that are self-paced will need to be available at all times for 
students. videos will be live on our platform and private on youtube!

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