Hi guys.
I have an application in Django that has a database in postgresql.
But a new table was added to that database.
I have tried using the inspectdb (python3 manage.py inspectdb
tracking_visit) command, to add that table to the DJango model, but it
gives me an exception, it tells me that the ID field of the new table is
not an integer and if it is, I put it as an integer and primary key and so
on itself is reflected in the database.
# Unable to inspect table 'tracking_visit'
# The error was: sequence index must be integer, not 'slice'

1. My question is if you know any other method or application that allows
me to generate the model from the database.
2. Is there any other way to include changes made from the database into
the django model?

Best regards

Amor Zamora
Behind the distance,
your mouth and mine hide,
complices of a kiss, caresses, fantasies,
distance as close as the sky and the sea,
my piece is in your bed, in mine, is your love.
Behind the distance hide love, memories,
encounters, experiences, circumstances, pain and good times,
it is after her, the distant ones,
that we leave feelings,
but if we really miss,
it is only your time.

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