fwiw there is a call to the wrapping method 
django.test.DiscoverRunner.run_checks() in the celery python package. And 
I've got django_celery_beat in my list of apps which might be bringing it 
On Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 4:01:10 PM UTC-8 Thomas wrote:

> I’ve got a 3.2.10 installation and haven’t run my unit tests in a long 
> time. When I try now, I get a failure which seems to trace back to the test 
> runner itself:
> TypeError: Unknown option(s) for check command: databases. Valid options 
> are: all, debug, force_color, help, names, no_color, pythonpath, quiet, 
> settings, skip_checks, stderr, stdout, traceback, verbose, verbosity, 
> version.
> where the only mention of call_command with an explicit “databases” 
> argument is in django/test/runner.py
> I see this argument was introduced in 3.1 and was not present in 3.0.x and 
> earlier.
> Any hints on where to look for the root cause or how to patch it up?
> - Tom

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