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On December 8, 2021 1:25:45 PM CST, Alex Dehnert <> wrote:
>With some frequency, I end up with models who contents are approximately 
>constant. Are there good ways of handling this?
>For example, I might have a set of plans that users can sign up 
>for, with various attributes -- ID, name, order in the list of plans, 
>cost, whether the purchaser needs to be a student/FOSS project/etc.. I'm 
>going to rarely add/remove/change rows, and when I do there's likely going 
>to be code changes too (eg, to change landing pages), so I'd like the 
>contents of the model (not just the schema) to be managed in the code 
>rather than through the Django admin (and consequently use pull requests 
>to manage them, make sure test deploys are in sync, etc.). I'd also like 
>it to be in the database, though, so I can select them using any column of 
>the model, filter for things like "show me any project owned by a paid 
>account", etc..
>I think my ideal would be something like "have a list of model instances 
>in my code, and either Django's ORM magically pretends they're actually in 
>the database, or makemigrations makes data migrations for me", but I don't 
>think that exists?
>The two workable approaches that come to mind are to either write data 
>migrations by hand or use regular classes (or dicts) and write whatever 
>getters and filters I actually want by hand.
>Data migrations give me all the Django ORM functionality I might want, but 
>any time I change a row I need to write a migration by hand, and figuring 
>out the actual state involves either looking in the Django admin or 
>looking through all the data migrations to figure out their combined 
>impact. (Oh, and if somebody accidentally deletes the objects in the 
>database (most likely on a test install...) or a migration is screwy 
>recovering will be a mess.)
>Just using non-ORM classes in the source is a clearer, more declarative 
>approach, but I need to add replacements for many things I might normally 
>do in the ORM (.objects.get(...), __plan__is_student, 
>.values(plan__is_student).annotate(...), etc.).
>Which of these approaches is better presumably depends on how much ORM 
>functionality I actually want and how often I expect to be changing 
>Are there other good approaches for this? Am I missing some Django feature 
>(or add-on) that makes this easier?
>P.S. I previously asked this on StackOverflow at 
>but I'm realising this list is probably better.
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