Use the inbuilt *json* library in python. Use json.dumps and json.loads
to convert the dictionary to json and vice versa.
On Thursday, 5 August 2021 at 04:17:38 UTC+5:30 wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using Django 3.2 on Postgres12, and I have a model with a JSONField 
> which contains a simple dict (actually, a Django formset :-)). I would like 
> to update just one value in the dict. I can get this to work when the new 
> value is a hardcoded numeric 333 (quoted, as seems to be needed) like this:
>     pay_items.update(inputs=JSONBSet('inputs', ['inputs-0-value'], 
> Value("333"), True))
> where JSONBSet is a Func, as indicated below. However, I'd like to 
> actually compute the value. I've tried a variety of things, without 
> success. Here is one attempt:
>     pay_items.update(inputs=JSONBSet('inputs', ['inputs-0-value'],
>                                      Cast(F('inputs__inputs-0-value'), 
> FloatField()) + Value("3"),
>                                      True))
> This fails like this:
> ERROR:  function jsonb_set(jsonb, unknown, double precision, boolean) does 
> not exist at character 42 
> HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might 
> need to add explicit type casts. 
> STATEMENT:  UPDATE "paiyroll_payitem" SET "inputs" = 
> JSONB_SET("paiyroll_payitem"."inputs", '{inputs-0-value}', 
> (CAST(("paiyroll_payitem"."inputs" -> 'inputs-0-value') AS double 
> precision) + '3'), true) WHERE "paiyroll_payitem"."id" IN (...))
> I've tried all sorts of variants with Cast, ExpressionWrapper and so on to 
> no avail, so I'd be grateful for any shove in the right direction!
> Thanks, Shaheed
> Encls: implementation of JSONBSet derived from 
> and related threads:
> class JSONBSet(Func):
>     function = 'JSONB_SET'
>     arity = 4
>     output_field = CharField()
>     def __init__(self, field, path, value, create: bool = True):
>         path = Value('{{{0}}}'.format(','.join(path)))
>         create = Value(create)
>         super().__init__(field, path, value, create)

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