I am not sure about the others, but certainly for map clicks you'll need 
JavaScript  e.g.
Of course, the page itself, with JS code links, snippets and supporting 
data can be generated via Django in the normal way.


On Wednesday, 27 October 2021 at 04:03:16 UTC+2 lego.th...@gmail.com wrote:

> So there are Python packages out there that can handle mouse movement 
> detection locally. But for a Django app, how do we go about do this? 
> Clearly we cannot have any processing power on the client machine. Below 
> are some examples to be more specific:
> 1 - An e-commerce page where buyer clicks, drags (i.e. holds the mouse) 
> and drops a picture of an item from shelf to cart.
> 2 - A web game where player clicks, drags and drops things from one 
> location on the screen to another.
> 3 - Web page responds to location of mouse on screen (i.e. coordinates) 
> such as GPS-related apps with real map.
> Thanks,

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