Have a look at https://django-formtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
This includes the ability to skip steps based on information already 
supplied -

On Thursday, 23 September 2021 at 20:37:03 UTC+2 m.abu.b...@gmail.com wrote:

> I have an input field where the will customer add a number for buy 
> membership then will get forms according to numbers 1,2, or 5 then will 
> show 1,2, or 5 forms with input fields in which will add data.
> How can add this type of functionality? Because I'm a beginner in python 
> Django. Thanks
> For example:
>    1. 
>    customer will come to the site and click on buy membership
>    2. 
>    the first page will How many Memberships do you want to buy? ==> input 
>    Field in which add 1,2, or 5
>    3. 
>    based on how many members enter a show a page to collect information 
>    of members
>    4. 
>    3rd step collect customer/parent information

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