Hey everybody, I have a question and I need your help.

Basically what am creating is a platform which is simillar to Shopify, it's 
simillar because each user will have his own profile at a subdomaine: 
user.domaine .com, also I want to give the user the possibility to link his 
own custom domain userDomaine .com, so instead of the subdomaine, he will 
have a custom domain linking to his profile, of couse by adding the CNAMS.

How can I achieve all this ?? any infos ? any tutorials ? any packages that 
will help ??

thank you in advance.


Some one commented on Reddit:

Similar to what I did in GoNevis.com <https://gonevis.com/>.

Something like https://pypi.org/project/django-hosts/ should help.


   DNS record to *.domain.com to domain.com
   Middleware to catch the HOSTNAME and lookup your db to get the right 
That's mostly the idea.

But I didnt get it, any explanations please of what he said ? if you share 
a link to titorials that would would be awesome.

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