I did a custom authentication with DJANGO and in the confirmation of MAIL
and phone number I send corn and sms. It is a platform that will be used by
many customers. So I installed CELERY to manage the QUEUE of sending of sms
and mail. But I could not do the right configuration so as to call the
tasks in the background to deliver emails and sms. But there I already
solved the problem by creating tasks specified for just sending emails and
just sending SMS in my TASKS.PY and I configured specialized QUEUES for
MAILS and SMS at the level of my CELERY.PY and with DJANGO CELERY RESULTS I

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 7:06 PM Nikeet NA <nik...@exiverlabs.co.in> wrote:

> Can you describe in detail , sending mails is possible through celery but
> i am un clear about auth part.
> On Wednesday, 16 June 2021 at 22:31:41 UTC+5:30 kuassi...@paydunya.com
> wrote:
>> Hello Community. I would like to have recommendations on how to implement
>> a custom authentication with the use of CELERY for sending mails which will
>> be QUEUE and managed by a workers that I will start on my server with the
>> Please if anyone have suggestions for me or any articles for that i'm
>> glad to receive them.
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