On 6/06/2021 6:14 pm, Derek wrote:
RE - "I've looked at the AdminTextareaWidget which is probably based on the TextInput built-in widget but see no way to influence what it does. " and "How do I get it to display inline in the proper place?"

There seems to be similar question on SO:

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6239966/add-custom-html-between-two-model-fields-in-django-admins-change-form <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6239966/add-custom-html-between-two-model-fields-in-django-admins-change-form>

The answer with AdminFooWidget() and FooAdminForm() seems closest to your use case.

Thanks for that. Unfortunately the answer at that link is ten years old and I think Django Admin must have moved on since then. I'm still trying to debug an inexplicable KeyError but I think I understand the approach.

I'll keep trying



On Sun, 6 Jun 2021 at 09:56, Mike Dewhirst <mi...@dewhirst.com.au <mailto:mi...@dewhirst.com.au>> wrote:

    On 4/06/2021 5:15 pm, Derek wrote:
    Hi Mike

    The SVG is not going to display as SVG in a *form* - for that
    you'd need a widget, or perhaps just let users edit the text.

    OK - I'm outta my depth here. I've looked at the
    AdminTextareaWidget which is probably based on the TextInput
    built-in widget but see no way to influence what it does. In
    theory I'd create a new widget inheriting from that and use
    mark_safe() somehow.

    Then I would need to tell the admin form to use it for my
    ddstructure field.

    BUT see my template effort below

    Did you try displaying in the normal admin lists? This was my
    understanding of where you wanted to see it and the code snippets
    I posted were for that purpose.

    If you want to see it as "read only" in the form, but shown as
    SVG, perhaps you need a custom model template

    Again, my feet don't touch bottom. I tried adding some code to
    change_form.html like this ...

    {% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}

    {% block content %}{{ block.super }}
    {% if original.ddstructure %}
        {{ original.ddstructure | safe }}
    {% else %}
        <p>No 2D structure image </p>
    {% endif %}

    {% endblock %}

    This kinda worked. It comes after block.super so it displays the
    svg image correctly but at the bottom of the page. AND the raw (or
    safe) code also displays in the location where I really want the

    So close but ...

    How do I get it to display inline in the proper place?

    Many thanks for hanging in there




    On Thursday, 3 June 2021 at 08:22:57 UTC+2 Mike Dewhirst wrote:

        On 3/06/2021 4:00 pm, Derek wrote:
        > >
        > > E.g.
        > >
        > > class MyModel():
        > >     svg_text = CharField()
        > in my case it is ...
        > class Chemical(models.Model):
        >     ...
        >     ddstructure = models.TextField(
        >         null=True,
        >         blank=True,
        >         verbose_name="2D structure",
        >     )

        The above is unchanged.

        # admin
        class ChemicalAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

            def _ddstructure(self, obj):
                return mark_safe(obj.ddstructure)
            fieldsets = (
                        "fields": (
                            "ddstructure",        # displays svg code

        FYI it works perfectly as a column in the list display - but
        I don't
        need it there, rather in the page for the chemical.

        This is what happens if it is included in the fieldsets
        "fields" roster.

        FieldError at /admin/chemical/chemical/17/change/

        Unknown field(s) (_ddstructure) specified for Chemical. Check
        fields/fieldsets/exclude attributes of class ChemicalAdmin.

        Request Method: GET
        Request URL:
        Django Version: 3.2.3
        Exception Type: FieldError
        Exception Value:

        Unknown field(s) (_ddstructure) specified for Chemical. Check
        fields/fieldsets/exclude attributes of class ChemicalAdmin.

        Exception Location:

        line 712, in get_form
        Python Executable: D:\Users\mike\envs\xxai\Scripts\python.exe
        Python Version: 3.8.3



        > >
        > >     def _the_svg(self):
        > >         return """<svg width="100"
        height="100">%s</svg>""" %
        > > self.svg_text
        > >         _the_svg.allow_tags = True

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