On May 13, 2021 4:00:29 PM GMT+02:00, John McClain <jmcclain0...@gmail.com> 
>because the issue I am having is directly related to React developers!
>in the post I thought I was simply speaking directly to developers who
>in fact, React developers! And in kind, was hoping that someone might
>enquire about my difficulties and offer to help (paid or not) It's my
>impression that this forum is for this purpose, is it not?

What you are doing is known as "highjacking a thread".

The original post was related to hiring React developers, so replies should be 
related to that.

If there are any React developers here, they will be much more likely to help 
you if you start your own thread with a subject describing your problem than 
some unrelated thread that might already be ignored by someone willing and able 
to help you.

Hope that helps.

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

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