
I should like to do personalised validation in Django administration but I 
have always the same error :
type object 'MainForm' has no attribute '_meta'

To do so, I use the following admin.py (attached file)

Thanks in advance to anybody who could me unblocked.

Serge Alard

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''' Superuser = admin
    password = idem à BD
from django.contrib import admin
from django.forms import BaseModelForm, BaseInlineFormSet
from .models import *
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError

class MainInlineForm(BaseModelForm):
    model = Main
    fields = ('numero', 'pique', 'coeur', 'carreau', 'trefle')

class MainInlineFormSet(BaseInlineFormSet):
    def carte_doublon(self, cartes):
        if cartes is None: return cartes
        l = []
        for c in cartes:
            v = valeur_carte(c)
            l.append((v, c))
        l = sorted(l, reverse=True)
        s = ''
        for (v, c) in l: s += c
        sd = ''
        c0 = None
        for c in s:
            if c == c0:
                sd += c
            c0 = c
        return sd

    def clean(self):
        if self.errors: return
        pique = ''
        for form in self.forms:
            pique += form.cleaned_data.get('pique')
        doublons = self.carte_doublon(pique)
        if len(doublons) > 1:
            raise ValidationError("'{}' de pique sont en double dans les 
différentes mains de la donne".
        elif len(doublons) == 1:
            raise ValidationError("'{}' de pique est en double dans les 
différentes mains de la donne".

class MainInline(admin.StackedInline):
    model = Main
    fields = ('numero', 'pique', 'coeur', 'carreau', 'trefle')
    extra = 2
    max_num = 4
    form = MainInlineForm
    formset = MainInlineFormSet

class DonneAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    exclude = ('nb_aleatoire', 'numero')
    list_filter = ('chapitre',)
    inlines = (MainInline,)

class MainAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    exclude = ('pointsh',)
    ordering = ('numero',)

def valeur_carte(c):
    if c == 'A': v = 14
    elif c == 'R': v = 13
    elif c == 'D': v = 12
    elif c == 'V': v = 11
    elif c == 'X': v = 10
    else: v = ord(c) - 48
    return v

admin.site.register(Donne, DonneAdmin)
admin.site.register(Main, MainAdmin)

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