Hello all,

I have encountered what I think is very weird behaviour. When I run tests 
with the --tag option, modules that raise exceptions appear to be silently 

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create django app.
2. Add this test module:
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test import tag

assert 0

class TempTest(TestCase):

    def test_basic(self):

3. Run python manage.py test
This spits out the assertion error on stdin, as I would expect.

4. Run python manage.py test --tag=abc
This DOES NOT spit out the assertion error on stdin, as I would expect. In 
fact it says tests were run successfully.

This to me seems pretty dangerous. A module level error should be seen 
clearly, and tests should certainly not pass.

Tested on python 3.8.3, django 3.1.4.


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