
my first post here.
I've been poking at this duplicate result thing
and it's come down to maybe a fundamental what-does-django-do question:

class Medium(models.Model):
    artifact = models.ForeignKey('Artifact', on_delete=models.PROTECT) 

class Artifact(models.Model):
    def get_medium(self,idx):

            media = self.medium_set.all()
            for m in media:  # <-- THIS
                pass         # <-- THIS
            return media[idx]
            return False

Why would iterating over media give me correct results,
        get_medium(0), get_medium(1) == 9, 13

but if I don't, I get a duplicate row?
        get_medium(0), get_medium(1) == 9, 9


Michael Ross <g...@ross.cx>

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