thank you so much Arisophy.

I am not able to fix the problem with your suggestions.
Please be aware that I am not having any empty query sets while filtering 
So it must be a problem with getting the context to HTML, however, it is 
super weird, because as long as I am not filtering for a date my HTML 
renders the context perfectly.

Does that help to provide further help?

Thank you so much.

On Friday, 19 March 2021 at 04:09:54 UTC+1 wrote:

> use this
> *.filter(booking_time__date=booking_date) *
> 2021年3月19日(金) 11:58 Arisophy <>:
>> Hi Manuel
>> Oops!
>> *.filter(booking_time=booking_date) doesn't work*
>> Did you check the query and DB data?
>> Are booking_time's time of  DB data just 00:00:00?
>> If another time, you have to use
>>  booking_time >= target_date AND  booking_time < next_date_of_target
>> Arisophy
>> 2021年3月19日(金) 9:36 Arisophy <>:
>>> Hi, Manuei
>>> I think ,
>>> At first, you shoukd check the value of "request.user.organization_id" .
>>> Next, try to use Q if the value is valid.
>>> context['bookings'] = 
>>> Booking.objects.filters(Q((organization_id=request.user.organization_id) & 
>>> Q(booking_time=booking_date))
>>> regards
>>> Arisophy
>>> 2021年3月19日(金) 7:59 Manuel Buri <>:
>>>> Hi folks,
>>>> can you please help me with this.
>>>> I am trying to get the context working where I filter for the 
>>>> organization_id as well as the booking_time. Both queries are not empty, 
>>>> however, only the context without the booking_time filter works while 
>>>> rending in html.
>>>> Code:
>>>> @login_required
>>>> def overview_view(request):
>>>> context = {}
>>>> booking_date = None
>>>> if request.method == 'GET':
>>>> if request.is_ajax():
>>>> booking_time = request.GET.get('day')
>>>> booking_time = datetime.strptime(booking_time, "%Y-%m-%d")
>>>> booking_date = booking_time.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, 
>>>> microsecond=0, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
>>>> *context['bookings'] = 
>>>> Booking.objects.filter(organization_id=request.user.organization_id).filter(
>>>> booking_time=booking_date)*
>>>> *THESE DO WORK:* context['bookings'] = 
>>>> Booking.objects.filter(organization_id=request.user.organization_id)
>>>> return render(request, 'overview/overview.html', context)
>>>> return render(request, 'overview/overview.html', context)
>>>> Thank you so much for your help.
>>>> Manuel
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