On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 8:48 AM Chandrashekhar Singh
<chandrashekhar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I am looking for someone who could help me to integrate djnago with okta.
> Python version 2.7 and djnago is 1.8

You're NOT going to get any love if you're insisting on running Python 2.7!

EOL for Python 2.x happened a while ago.
Please update to Python 3.x - - - - then try again.
First - - - - super generic questions really don't get good answers.
Try reading the docs and then trying something - - - if it doesn't
work - - - - or doesn't work in the way expected then you have
a 'good' question.

If you want to 'pay' someone to help you - - - - please advise - - -
- - I'll bet you'll have lots of takers!


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