What's that, am new please

On Sat, Feb 27, 2021, 4:47 PM Rob Wilkinson <wilkyconsulta...@gmail.com>

> This is what my code looks like and it now works :
> see where it says "example of setting pk..." below:
> def dyn_menu_new(request):
>     from .models import menu as menuX
>     from .models import buttons
>     if request.method == 'POST':
>         if request.user.is_superuser:
>            super_user = "superuser"
>         else:
>            super_user = ""
>         form =
> dyn_menuForm(request.POST,name=request.user.username,super_user=super_user)
>         if form.is_valid():
>             menu_id          = request.POST.get('menu_id', '')
>             menu_id          = menu_id.replace(" ", "")
>             menu_title       = request.POST.get('menu_title', '')
>             menu_notes       = request.POST.get('menu_notes', '')
>             menu_fb          = request.POST.get('menu_fb', '')
>             menu_link        = request.POST.get('menu_link', '')
>             menu_align       = request.POST.get('menu_align', '')
>             menu_order       = request.POST.get('menu_order', '')
>             menu_status      = request.POST.get('menu_status', '')
>             menu_admin       = request.POST.get('menu_admin', '')
>             menu_image       = request.POST.get('menu_image', '')
>             #
>             # example of setting pk :
> https://groups.google.com/g/django-users/c/PcSDKZhPVmc
>             #
>             buttons_pk = request.POST.get('menu_dropdown')
>             menu_dropdown = buttons.objects.get(pk=buttons_pk)
>             #
>             menu_new_window  = request.POST.get('menu_new_window', '')
>             menu_scope  = request.POST.get('menu_scope', '')
>             current_user = request.user
>             menu_user  = current_user
>             p = menuX(menu_id=menu_id, menu_title=menu_title,
> menu_notes=menu_notes, menu_fb=menu_fb, menu_link=menu_link,
> menu_align=menu_align, menu_order=menu_order, menu_status=menu_status,
> menu_admin=menu_admin, menu_image=menu_image, menu_dropdown=menu_dropdown,
> menu_new_window=menu_new_window,menu_scope=menu_scope,menu_user=menu_user)
>             try:
>                p.save()
>             except:
>                messages.error(request, "Menu ID is not unique. Please
> specify a different Menu ID.")
>                return render(request, 'dyn_menu.html', {'form': form})
>             return redirect("/theme/dyn_menu_list")
> On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 10:40 AM sebasti...@gmail.com <
> sebastian.ju...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> thanks for you response. Before i save i want to make is_valid() and
>> there came this exception.
>> Regards
>> wilkycon...@gmail.com schrieb am Samstag, 27. Februar 2021 um 16:36:35
>> UTC+1:
>>> I had similar issues, I found this helpful:
>>> https://groups.google.com/g/django-users/c/PcSDKZhPVmc
>>> On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 9:19 AM Ryan Nowakowski <tub...@fattuba.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I think choices is causing the problem. Try limit_choices_to instead:
>>>> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/fields/#django.db.models.ForeignKey.limit_choices_to
>>>> On February 27, 2021 8:06:26 AM CST, "sebasti...@gmail.com" <
>>>> sebasti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I have a CBV with Createview. Now i have a Foreign Key from Box to
>>>>> Tabs model. When i submit request then i get error:* Cannot assign
>>>>> "1": "Box.tabs_link" must be a "Tabs" instance*. This happens on
>>>>> form.is_valid
>>>>> I understand this error but i don't know how can i fix this.
>>>>> *Models.py*:
>>>>> class Box(models.Model):
>>>>>     id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
>>>>>     name = models.CharField(max_length=200, default="", blank=False,
>>>>> null=False) #Überschrift der Box
>>>>>     tabs_link = models.ForeignKey(Tabs, on_delete=models.CASCADE,
>>>>> null=False,blank=False,choices=[
>>>>>                                 (c.id, c.name) for c in
>>>>> Tabs.objects.all()]
>>>>>                                    )
>>>>>     column =
>>>>> models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=column_choices,blank=False,
>>>>> null=False,default=0) #linke oder rechte Seite
>>>>>     position = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=1,blank=False,
>>>>> null=False) #position auf der linken/rechten Seite
>>>>>     modul = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=Modul_Auswahl,
>>>>>                                         default=0)
>>>>>     class Meta:
>>>>>         ordering = ["position","column"]
>>>>>     def __str__(self):
>>>>>         return self.name
>>>>> *Views.py:*
>>>>> class BoxCreateView(CreateView):
>>>>>     model = Box
>>>>>     template_name = 'marketing/boxcreate.html'
>>>>>     form_class = Boxform
>>>>>     success_url = reverse_lazy('boxlist')
>>>>>     def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
>>>>>         formbox = Boxform(self.request.POST)
>>>>>         if (*formbox.is_valid()*):
>>>>>            pass
>>>>> *Forms.py*
>>>>> class Boxform(forms.ModelForm):
>>>>>     class Meta:
>>>>>         model = Box
>>>>>         exclude = ('',)
>>>>>         labels = {
>>>>>             'tabs_link': 'Tabulator',
>>>>>             'column': 'Spalte',
>>>>>         }
>>>>>         widgets = {
>>>>>             'name': textinputfeld,
>>>>>             'position': integerfeld,
>>>>>             'column': integerfeld,
>>>>>             'modul': selectfield,
>>>>>             'tabs_link': selectfield,
>>>>>         }
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> --
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