I am new to Django and to web development, and am trying to get my bearings.

Suppose that I provide a web page that asks the user for an airport, a 
start date, an end date, a number of days.  The server is supposed to go to 
the NOAA website, grab temperature data for the range of dates, and do a 
moving average filter over the given number of days; and then display for 
the client a graph of the smoothed data, constructed maybe with SVG.  I 
know how to do the NOAA access and create the graph (if I do it just on my 
computer using Python), but I don't know how to fit the client data 
specification and the server's response into the Django framework.  My 
point is that none of this involves Django models at all, and what I am 
having trouble with is: where does my code that does stuff fit in.  Can 
this type of client-server interaction be handled by the Django framework, 
and if so, how would this be structured very generally?

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