Hi Masum,

On 28/12/2020 20.15, Masum Billah wrote:
sen_mail function works at local host but i when i upload it to c-panel it does not work . it shows error .

You haven't provided much information, so it's a bit hard to help you, but I assume you have configured Django to use some kind of mail transport mechanism and it seems like you have a local SMTP server available when using your local host.

That is most likely not the case on your hosting provider, so you need to figure out how to configure Django to send mail in a way your hosting provider supports.

When asking questions do try to provide relevant information. It will make it a lot easier for other people to help you and greatly improve your chances of getting a relevant answer.

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

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  • send mail Masum Billah
    • Re: send mail Kasper Laudrup

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