yes, I do

On Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 5:11:30 PM UTC+1 wrote:

> did you redo py makemigrations after your modification?
> Le sam. 12 déc. 2020 à 13:21, 712189512 <> a écrit :
>> It’s probably because you have already made migrations and also made some 
>> changes in your model ,if that’s the case delete the old migrations and 
>> make migrations again and should work 
>> On Sat, Dec 12, 2020 at 1:56 PM Taofeek Jimoh Iyanda <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello Guys,
>>> Please I need an urgent help on this subject, I was trying to migrate my 
>>> model in django to a postgres DB but I am getting 'value too long for type 
>>> character varying(1)' error. I have tried making the max_length = 1000 but 
>>> I am still getting the same error. 
>>> The last thing I can remember I did was that I create another CharField 
>>> with a list of choice. I tried removing it but still getting the same error.
>>> Below is the code i am trying to migrate:
>>> from django.db import models
>>> from django.utils import timezone
>>> import datetime
>>> # Create your models here.
>>> SEX = [
>>>         ('M', 'MALE'),
>>>         ('F', 'FEMALE')
>>> ]
>>>         ('MR','Mr.'),
>>>         ('MRS','Mrs.'),
>>>         ('MS','Ms.')
>>> ]
>>> STATUS = [
>>>     ('A', 'Admitted'),
>>>     ('D', 'Discharged')
>>> ]
>>> class PatientDetail(models.Model):
>>>     """
>>>     Model of the details of entry patient 
>>>     """
>>>     FirstName = models.CharField(blank = False, max_length = 1000)
>>>     LastName = models.CharField(blank = False, max_length = 1000)
>>>     MiddleName = models.CharField(max_length = 1000)
>>>     Title = models.CharField(choices = TITLE_CHOICES, blank=False, 
>>> max_length = 1000)
>>>     Address = models.CharField(blank = False, max_length = 1000)
>>>     Email = models.EmailField(max_length = 1000)
>>>     sex = models.CharField(blank = False, choices = SEX, max_length = 1000)
>>>     Age = models.DateField(blank = False)
>>>     PhoneNumber = models.CharField(blank = False, max_length = 1000)
>>>     NextOfKin = models.CharField(blank = False, max_length = 1000)
>>>     NextofKin_Address = models.CharField(blank = False, max_length = 1000)
>>>     NextofKIn_PhoneNumber = models.DecimalField(blank = False, 
>>> max_digits=13, decimal_places=0)
>>>     DateOfReg = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
>>>     NurseInDuty = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length = 1000)
>>>     Status = models.CharField(choices = STATUS, blank = False, max_length = 
>>> 1000)
>>>     class Meta:
>>>         db_table = 'Patient Detail'
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
>> Gabrielstone😎
>> -- 
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