On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 12:16:03PM -0700, Andrew Stringfield wrote:
> Hello all,
>     I am trying to use Patreon's API Version 2 with Django 3.1.  I 
> read: https://docs.patreon.com/#third-party-libraries and found that 
> Patreon supported the django-allauth library.  I installed the library by 
> following the instructions 
> of: https://django-allauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html.  I 
> start up the default dev server and I go 
> to and fill out the form and hit 
> submit.  I get the response of:
> ---------------------
> Page not found (404)Request Method:
> GETRequest URL:
> Using the URLconf defined in mysite.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, 
> in this order:
>    1. admin/
>    2. accounts/ signup/ [name='account_signup']
>    3. accounts/ login/ [name='account_login']
>    4. accounts/ logout/ [name='account_logout']
>    5. accounts/ password/change/ [name='account_change_password']
>    6. accounts/ password/set/ [name='account_set_password']
>    7. accounts/ inactive/ [name='account_inactive']
>    8. accounts/ email/ [name='account_email']
>    9. accounts/ confirm-email/ [name='account_email_verification_sent']
>    10. accounts/ ^confirm-email/(?P<key>[-:\w]+)/$ 
>    [name='account_confirm_email']
>    11. accounts/ password/reset/ [name='account_reset_password']
>    12. accounts/ password/reset/done/ [name='account_reset_password_done']
>    13. accounts/ ^password/reset/key/(?P<uidb36>[0-9A-Za-z]+)-(?P<key>.+)/$ 
>    [name='account_reset_password_from_key']
>    14. accounts/ password/reset/key/done/ 
>    [name='account_reset_password_from_key_done']
>    15. accounts/ social/
>    16. accounts/ patreon/
> The current path, accounts/profile/, didn't match any of these.

That's the default LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL[1].  Explicitly set that in your
settings.py to wherever you want the user to land after login succeeds.

[1] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/ref/settings/#login-redirect-url

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