Hi Viplay

On 09/10/2020 16.26, Viplav Dube wrote:
Dear all,
Need to write a small scraper for JSON links and get the news on one API call for current date and store it in the table in this format (Id, Date, Title, Details, New From (CNN, Times, etc.) and URL of News).
News can be searched via any keyword in title or in detail field.

You can probably use the requests library (https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/master/) for the scraping.

Not really sure if you mean you want to call an existing API, in which case just using requests should be fine, or you actually need to parse HTML and find links ("scraping") in which case you probably need to combine it with beatiful soup (https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/).

Shouldn't be a problem to create a database model for storing that information using standard Django models and searching shouldn't be much of a problem either:


Hope that helps a bit.

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

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