Thanks kasper.

I actually did check the logs many times both local and production, nothing
is wrong,, I use:
heroku logs --tail -a -myapp on my production environment

All runs smoothly, except when I visit, I got this
Because this is the main reason I requested help. I did my best to search
the solution though.

2020-09-29T11:31:08.535970+00:00 app[web.1]: /*some numbers */ - -
[29/Sep/2020:18:31:08 +0700] "GET /sitemap.xml HTTP/1.1" 500 0 "-"
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36"
2020-09-29T11:31:08.540679+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET
path="/sitemap.xml" request_id=(/*some random string*/)
fwd="(/*some numbers*/)" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=643ms status=500
bytes=286 protocol=http

I also realized that in the log, there are robots crawling my website.
Since I have links left to be crawled.

But for newer links in my site, the robot wouldn't find it because this

[image: image.png]
pic above is from my google search console..
[image: image.png]
this one is from bing webmaster.

Actually I did successfully submitted the sitemap before. But now I got
this error suddenly.


On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 3:52 PM Kasper Laudrup <>

> Hi Dum Dum,
> On 29/09/2020 10.26, dum dum wrote:
> > I'm using django sitemap to generate my sitemap.
> >
> > In local it works normally, I can visit
> > <> and see the data. But in
> production,
> > I got http error 500 (site matching query not exist) when trying to
> > access " <>". I've
> > been following solutions on the internet, and one of those is from this
> link
> >
> And as I and others have tried to tell you several times, you can
> continue to try random code you find on the internet and hope that the
> problem will somehow go away without really knowing why.
> That's not a very productive way to write code and just a waste of time.
> What you really want to do is to get access to your Django logs where
> you most likely have an uncaught exception or something similar pointing
> out exactly where the error is and you will most likely be able to fix
> it easily.
> You do want to be able to access your Django logs in production no
> matter what, as this will not be the last time you have an error that
> only shows up in production.
> Personally I get an email with a full backtrace etc. when an error like
> this occurs, which is quite useful in my case, but might not be the
> right thing in your case.
> If you have problems finding out how to access the logs, then feel free
> to ask questions related to that.
> Kind regards,
> Kasper Laudrup
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