Hi King Niko,

On 01/09/2020 07.43, King Niko wrote:
The console does not seem to provide much information. It is simply stating that there is a 500 Server Error. I tried sifting for more details but there were none.

The console in your browser is not providing any information because it doesn't make much sense to try and debug a *Server Error* on the client side.

Ignore the advice from RANGA BHARATH JINKA on looking in your browsers console.

However, in the:

*> heroku logs --tail *
It simply mentions that none of the paths exist to /the cart / and /the images /that derive from the DJANGO ADMINISTRATION page.

That sounds a lot more useful, but are you really sure you're seeing the logs from Django and not just the web server forwarding requests to your Django application?

You need to get the logs from your actual Django application to see the actual cause of the error. I remember there has been other discussions on getting those logs from Heroku, but I have no experience with Heroku so I don't know how to achieve that, but you need access to those logs sooner or later so start by figuring out how to do that.

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

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