
I have a form with three fields (1 Choicefield and 2 ModelChoicefields):  
The Choicefield displays names of objects by id's. However, in my db, I 
have multiple objects with the same name.  I am trying to filter these 
objects by "species" and "gender" (the two ModelChoiceFields).  I would 
like to display these objects as singular values, so they can be selected 
from the Choicefield without it displaying the same name more than once.  I 
am new to Django, so I "attempted" to write code to accomplish this in my 
form.py.  The following code displays multiple id's and singular names.  
However, I am having a lot of trouble trying to filter these items using 
functions in my views.py and JQuery in my template.  Basically, I can only 
get the names that have single Id's naturally associated to filter in the 
species and gender drop-downs, not the names with the multiple id's.  I 
realize the following code may be way off base, so I'm wondering if someone 
could enlighten me on how I could go about this dilemma.  Many thanks in 
advance.  By the way, I have written a Crispy Form's "Form Helper" Class 
which aided in display of my Tabs, so that is why my Tab Layout does not 
look complete.

# crispy forms 
class AnimalsList(forms.ModelForm):
    #namequery = 
    namelist = forms.ChoiceField(label='Animal Names', choices=[])     
    specieslist = forms.ChoiceField(label= 'by Species', choices=[], 
    genderlist = forms.ChoiceField(label= 'by Gender', choices=[], 
    class Meta:        
        model = Animal
        fields = ['namelist', 'specieslist', 'genderlist']
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        #namequery = 
        # get count of animal name to determine duplicates
        count = 0
        did_list = list()        
        mydid_list = list()
        myd = myDict()
        # to return animal obj, count of name
        queryset = Animal.objects.values('name').annotate(count = 
        for i in queryset: 
            animal_name = i["name"]                     
            if i["count"] <= 1:               
                animal = Animal.objects.get(name = animal_name)
                singular_id = str(animal.id)              
                myd.add(singular_id, animal_name)
                dupe_list = Animal.objects.filter(name = animal_name)
                for dupe in dupe_list:
                    dupe_id = dupe.id                    
                if len(did_list) > 1:
                        myd.add(tuple(did_list), animal_name)
        # set namequery to equal dictionary items - list of animal id and 
        #namequery = tuple(dict.items())
        namequery = tuple(myd.items())      
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)       
        self.fields['namelist'].choices = (('', 'Select'),) + namequery
        self.fields['specieslist'].choices = (('', 'Select'),) + 
        self.fields['genderlist'].choices = (('', 'Select'),) + 
        self.helper = FormHelper()        
        self.helper.form_tag = False       
        self.helper.layout = Layout(

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