
I think you've found the wrong mailing list for this post. This mailing
list is for discussing the development of Django itself, not for support
using Django. This means the discussions of bugs and features in Django
itself, rather than in your code using it. People on this list are unlikely
to answer your support query with their limited time and energy.

For support, please follow the "Getting Help" page:
https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/faq/help/ . This will help you find
people who are willing to support you, and to ask your question in a way
that makes it easy for them to answer.

Thanks for your understanding and all the best,


On Tue, 11 Aug 2020 at 17:53, Desh Deepak <deshdeepak...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone, I want to developing a django project. Who wants to
> collaborate to do a project and learn django share your github user id for
> github reposetory access.
> Live on Heroku
> http://kidszania.herokuapp.com/
> Thanks
> Desh Deepak
> +91 7011101001
> --
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