Single records but from listview

On Sun, Jun 7, 2020, 8:30 AM wongX Ndeso <> wrote:

> So what you mean is bulk delete?  Is that what you asking?
> On Sun, Jun 7, 2020, 6:48 PM Nader Elsisi <> wrote:
>> Thanks I hope you get what I am asking for. I want to be able to delete
>> from the list. Not one object. Also, l want one function for different
>> models.
>> I am doing it now but I need to improve it. So l asked for help.
>> On Sun, Jun 7, 2020, 6:40 AM wongX Ndeso <> wrote:
>>> If you use django to perform some delete action, or others like create
>>> or update, please make sure you have csrf_token in your html form file, and
>>> then you should filter if the form is valid or not, then you can process
>>> the data that send from delete page.
>>> On Sat, Jun 6, 2020, 3:48 AM Nader Elsisi <> wrote:
>>>> I have just posted
>>>> and didn't get any feedback yet. So I appreciate anyone who can help me
>>>> about passing data.
>>>> I want to have one abstract function for all my tablelists (one for
>>>> each model) and (one delete_item) function in view.
>>>> I don't know how to make the delete (column in this table) and pass the
>>>> model to the delete_item function in the view
>>>> **
>>>>     ############ Abstract Table
>>>>     class abs_Table(tables.Table):
>>>>     SN = tables.Column(empty_values=(), orderable=False)
>>>>     delete = tables.LinkColumn('delete_item', args=[A('pk'), 
>>>> ?????Model???],  attrs={
>>>>          'a': {'class': 'btn btn-small btn-dark'}
>>>>     # })
>>>>     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>>>>         super(abs_Table, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
>>>>         self.counter = itertools.count(1)
>>>>     def render_SN(self, record):
>>>>         pg = getattr(self, 'paginator', None)
>>>>         if pg:
>>>>             v = next(self.counter)
>>>>             return v + self.paginator.per_page * (
>>>>         else:
>>>>             return next(self.counter)
>>>>     class Meta:
>>>>         model = None
>>>>         fields = [ 'SN', 'id',  'delete', ]
>>>>         attrs = {"class": "table-striped table-bordered", 'width': '100%'}
>>>>         empty_text = "There are no Records matching the search criteria..."
>>>> Then for model Table
>>>> **
>>>>     class ModelTable(abs_Table):
>>>>     class Meta(abs_Table.Meta):
>>>>         model = modelname
>>>>         fields = abs_Table.Meta.fields+[selected_model_fields]
>>>> **
>>>>       def delete_item(request, pk, delmodel):
>>>>         obj = get_object_or_404(delmodel, id=pk)
>>>>         if request.method == "POST":
>>>>                     obj.delete()
>>>>             return redirect("../")
>>>>         else:
>>>>             pass
>>>>         context = {
>>>>             'object': obj
>>>>         }
>>>>         return render(request, '/delete_confirmation.html', context)
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