Rob Slotboom wrote:
> in the model class:
>    def __cmp__(self, other):
>        return cmp(self.get_absolute_url, other.get_absolute_url)
> In a function:
>    cat_list = []
>    for cat in Category.objects.all():
>       cat_list.append(cat)
>    cat_list.sort()

Hi Rob,

I think the problem is that get_absolute_url isn't actually being called so
you're sorting by the method itself instead of by the method result. So
just put () after get_absolute_url and it should work. Just a note though
that I'd write it like so:

sorted(Category.objects.all(), key=Category.get_absolute_url)

Then Python will call the method for you (and maybe cache the result for
further comparisons).

Brian Beck
Adventurer of the First Order

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