This is what I had to do. Thanks to you I know how to think and fixed it. 

 return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('bsapp:result', args=(, xx,)))

 path('<int:question_id>/<str:xx>/result/', views.result, name='result'),  

 def result(request, question_id, xx):

Den torsdag 7 maj 2020 kl. 12:40:06 UTC+2 skrev Ekberg Peter:
> I know something like this has been asked before but I never seen any 
> answer that I can understand or that works. But I am very new on Django so 
> maybe I could have missed it. But there must be an easy answer to my 
> question. I am following the tutorial for Django and at section 4 they use 
> the httpresponseredirect to go to next page after posting a form.
> return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('polls:results', args=(,)))
> The views page function looks like this: 
> def detail(request, question_id):
> My question is: How can I send more arguments than the to the 
> function? 
> Thx

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