Hi Roseman,

Your comment pointed me to the right direction.

I have finally cracked the mystery!

Thanks so much!

On Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 5:17:22 PM UTC+3, Ronald Kamulegeya wrote:
> Here is my attempt at creating unique path:
> Still i get page not found error. The index page is not opening too.
> urlpatterns = [
>     path("tenants/", views.TenantsListView.as_view(), name="index"),
>     path("tenants/details",views.TenantDetailView.as_view(),name="detail"
> ),
>     path("tenants/add",views.createTenant, name='createTenant'), 
>     path("tenants/edit/<int:pk>/",views.TenantUpdateView.as_view(), name=
> 'edit'),
>     path("tenants/delete/<int:pk>/",views.delete, name='delete'),   
> ]
> urlpatterns = [
>     path('', include('rentals.urls',namespace='rentals')),
>     path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
> On Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 3:53:44 PM UTC+3, Ronald Kamulegeya wrote:
>> Hello Roseman,
>> Please suggest how i can code the different Urls.
>> On Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 3:24:28 PM UTC+3, Daniel Roseman wrote:
>>> You have multiple URLs that are the same path. That can't work. One URL 
>>> maps to one view.
>>> -- 
>>> DR.
>>> On Thursday, 7 May 2020 11:40:09 UTC+1, Ronald Kamulegeya wrote:
>>>> I am learning Django and progressing well but i am stuck on how to 
>>>> configure the different urls to view functions. 
>>>> I have gone through tutorials and URL routing seems pretty 
>>>> straight forward but i cant make it work in my apps.
>>>> I am almost hitting a brick wall. I dont see anything wrong i have done.
>>>> What happens is that the index view and admin interface opens.
>>>> But connecting from the index view to other pages raises the 404 error.
>>>> [image: project-s.png]
>>>> I created a project TenancyMGt and added  app rentals as shown above.
>>>> I have created several views in the module views.py Two are relevant 
>>>> here:
>>>> def createTenant(request):
>>>>     form = TenantsForm
>>>>     context = {'form': form}
>>>>     html_form = render_to_string('rentals/partial_tenant_create.html',
>>>>         context,
>>>>         request=request,
>>>>     )
>>>>     return JsonResponse({'html_form': html_form})class 
>>>> TenantsListView(ListView):
>>>>     model = Tenants
>>>>     context_object_name = 'tenant_list'
>>>>     template_name = 'rentals/tenants_list.html'
>>>>     paginate_by = 5
>>>>     def get_queryset(self):
>>>>         return Tenants.objects.all()
>>>> Now i created a file urls.py under the app rentals:
>>>> from . import viewsfrom django.urls import path
>>>> app_name='rentals'
>>>> urlpatterns = [
>>>>     path("", views.TenantsListView.as_view(), name="index"),
>>>>     path("",views.TenantDetailView.as_view,name="detail"),
>>>>     path("",views.createTenant, name='createTenant'), 
>>>>     path("<int:pk>/",views.TenantUpdateView.as_view, name='edit'),
>>>>     path("<int:pk>/",views.delete, name='delete'),
>>>> ]
>>>> under TenancyMgr/urls, i add the following:
>>>> from django.contrib import adminfrom django.urls import path,includefrom 
>>>> rentals import views
>>>> urlpatterns = [
>>>>     path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
>>>>     path('', include('rentals.urls')),
>>>> ]
>>>> When i run the server, the index view opens successfully! From the index, 
>>>> i want to open the createTenant view as below.
>>>> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary js-create-tenant" 
>>>> data-url="{% url 'rentals:createTenant' %}>
>>>>       <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span>
>>>>       New Tenant
>>>>     </button>
>>>> When the button is clicked, i get the urls below:
>>>> Then i get the response is 404,page not found error.
>>>> But this opens admin page:
>>>> So far i have failed to crack the secret of how the Urls work. I have gone 
>>>> through several tutorials and i see the same set up as mine.
>>>> I am requesting for guidance on how to crack the puzzle i.e make the other 
>>>> urls work.
>>>> Ronald

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