Hi All,

I am working on small hands-on project.. and having an issue when calling 
the POST method with form.py overriding __init__.

Below is the code.
Here i have two models.. one is Category and another is SubCategory.
For SubCategory i have created form "SubCategoryFormv2" in forms.py... 
where i am checking if categoryid is passed then pre-select that Category, 
else display all Category for selection.
On submit the form from html... i am getting TypeError. (full error is 
displayed below)

Please help... What i could identify is with the POST method, when the 
statement *form = SubCategoryFormv2(request.POST)* is executed, it is 
expecting some id.. not sure what is this id.

# models.py
class SubCategory(models.Model) : 
category  = models.ForeignKey(Category, null = True, on_delete = 
name  = models.CharField(max_length = 200, null = True)
dateCreated  = models.DateTimeField(default = timezone.now)
createdBy  = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete = models.PROTECT )

# forms.py
class SubCategoryFormv2(forms.ModelForm): 
class Meta:
model = SubCategory
fields = '__all__' 
widgets = {'dateCreated' : DateInput()}

def __init__(self, categoryid=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(SubCategoryFormv2, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if categoryid is not None:
self.fields['category'] = forms.ModelChoiceField(initial=categoryid, 

# views.py
def createSubCategoryV2(request, categoryid=None):
context = {
'title':'Add SubCategory'

if request.method =='POST':
print('POST METHOD')
form = SubCategoryFormv2(request.POST)
print('POST METHOD - SubCategoryFormv2 called') 
if form.is_valid():
ins = form.save(commit=True)
print('Inside for form validation')
messages.success(request, f'SubCategory added Successfully')
return redirect('listsubcategory')
else: # for GET method.
print('GET METHOD')
form = SubCategoryFormv2(categoryid)
context["form"]= form
return render(request, 'DailyBudget/subcategory_form.html', context) 

Error : 
Exception Value: 

Field 'id' expected a number but got <QueryDict: {'csrfmiddlewaretoken': 
['XXXXXXXXXX'], 'category': ['12'], 'name': ['Test Data'], 'dateCreated': 
['2020-05-02'], 'initial-dateCreated': ['2020-05-02 04:11:38'], 'createdBy': 

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