On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 05:43:33AM -0700, Michael Karikari wrote:
> So I find myself in a pickle. 
> I'm using an external python API with Django, and as part of that 
> interaction, it asks for an input from the Django python shell window. What 
> I am trying to figure out is how can I get form input from web application 
> to push back to the shell window. Appreciate it if anyone has experience on 
> how to do this or work around this. 
> Attached is a screenshot of what I'm looking at. Im hoping there is a clean 
> way of pass form data to this type of interaction

You might be able to do this with a web-based Python shell like Jupyter.

However I'd like to suggest an alternative approach.  Rather than figure
out a way for the user to have this same kind of shell interaction on the
web, what about integrating Django with the underlying protocol, SAML?

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