I'm try to use a Django page as front-end using some AWS DynamoDB tables as 
back-end. To do so, I use boto3 library and it gets the data from the table 
correctly but I'm not able to parse the data into a HTML table. I have the 
following in views.py

def history(request):
     itemsid = list()
     agents = list()
     dates = list()
     source = list()
     history_table = dynamodb_resource.Table('name_of_the_table')
     all_items = history_table.scan()
     for p in all_items['Items']:
    return render(request, 'history.html', {'itemsid':itemsid, 'agents':agents, 
'dates':dates, 'source':source}

The issue is that I don't know how to write the html code to show a table 
with the rows: id, agent, date and source. 

I have the following in history.html

  {% for i in itemsid %}
    <td>{{ i }}</td>

but I don't know how to code it (how to loop it) to show the table with the 
lists as source. 

Any idea please about how to parse a Json with the following format into a 
HTML with Django and Python please?. 

JSON from DynamoDB:

  'Items: [ {
    'id': '94f'
    'agent': 'aws'
    'date': '04/05
    'source': 'case1'
  }, {
    'id': 'lk42'
Thank you so much. I'm new in Django and in programming in general so any help 
is much appreciate. 

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