Hello Everyone,

I need a help from you. I'm learning Django and working on my own project but 
got stuck on a point. Your inputs will be highly appreciated.

Little background: I'm creating a web app like investment portfolio. I have 
created a model based form to input the stock transaction i.e. buy and sell.

class eq_txn(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE,)
investor_name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
deal_type = models.CharField(max_length=50)
deal_date = models.DateField()
scrip_name = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True)
quantity = models.FloatField(default=0)
price = models.FloatField(default=0)
isin = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True)
folio = models.CharField(max_length=50)

def deal_value(self):
  return self.quantity * self.price

I have created a calculated field to derived deal value. Now I'm trying to 
create Cost of Investment and Weighted Average Price (WAP) but no luck yet. 
Please help with this or any alternate workaround for same either by model or 
view. Below is the logic that I want to plot (also i have created the same in 
excel sheet):

Cost of Investment: This will be a cumulative running sum value where deal_type 
is equal to Buy needs to be add in accumulated running total value with similar 
calculation of deal_value and where deal_type is equal to Sell needs to be 
calulated as (WAP)*(quantity) then deduct from cumulative running total value.

WAP: This will be also cumulative running sum value as calulated when deal_type 
is equal to Buy then it should be Cost of Investment devided by Cumulative 
Quantity (May be additional field which can be derived by adding Buy quantity 
and sell quantity should be deducted in running total), When deal_value is Sell 
then it should use previous transaction's calculated WAP.

Here are the codes i have tried through queryset to derived by not worked 
exactly I wanted.

all_txn =eq_txn.objects.annotate(cumqty=Window(Sum(Case(When(deal_type='Buy', 
When(deal_type='Sell', then=F('quantity')*-1))), 
partition_by=[F('scheme_name'),], order_by=F('deal_date').asc()), 
then=F('price')*F('quantity')))), partition_by=[F('scheme_name'),], 
    test = all_txn.annotate(wap=Case(When(deal_type='Buy', 
    cumamtsale=Case(When(deal_type='Sell', then=(F('wap')*F('quantity')*-1)), 

Thank you !

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Attachment: equity cases.xlsx
Description: MS-Excel 2007 spreadsheet

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