It's a good development practice to work on a virtual environment.

Virtual environments are completely different from each, they are just 
sharing the common pc, else they are totally different. The main use of 
virtual environments is to prevent projects from using the same versions of 
packages installed. Sometimes you may want to use older version of a 
package for a project and the newer version of the same package for a 
different project.
You can consider this world as a virtual environment and we "Homosapiens" 
are a package with different versions.

*Question:* Why would you want to and should use a virtual environment 
while installing Django or any other package that is required for a project?

*Answer:* Suppose you are creating two projects and you are required to use 
different versions of Django for both projects, then how would you do it? 
There come virtual environments for your help. You can do this by creating 
two virtual environments and install different versions of Django as 

I hope I have answered your question properly to clear your doubts.

On Saturday, April 11, 2020 at 3:01:22 AM UTC+5:30, Philip Onyeachonam 
> is it   compulsory that i isolate the virtual environment when im 
> installing Django

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