
i'd like to have online courses in my website. I found it quite difficult 
to serve and protect videos (i'm not so skilled in Django), so i'd like to 
try to use some service like Vimeo to make my life easier and solve 
serving/playing and video protection.

Right now i have website based on Django 2.x with Wagtail CMS to easy 
manage website content. I'd like to add pages with type Online course, 
which will be accessible only to users with purchase (access will be 
granted after Orders table check and only to bought courses). Videos will 
be inserted in Online course page. The only problem is, how to "hide" or 
modify video urls to prevent from download/publish/bookmark or direct 
access. The main purpose is to hide/protect video urls, secondary is to 
prevent downloading. So users with expired membership can't access course 
anymore or can't send links to other people. I know i can't protect videos 
100%, but i want to hide it for "regular" users. 

So, to make my life easier i hope Vimeo (paid membership) or other services 
should be able to help me. I have few question as Django beginner and 
looking for your help:

1. is my solution fine or i should change something?
2. is Vimeo good choice to serve videos? Do you have any experiences with 
3. if i insert Vimeo videos to pages, is it somehow protected? Or it's like 
YT videos and anybody can simply download?
4. are there any other problems to be considered?

Many thanks for help or tips!

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