Hi Eswar,
May Peace, Blessings & Mercy of Almighty God be on you!

Short answer, your environment is messed up. Now, let us address who or how
was it messed up

There are many reasons why you could be getting this error.
One major issue similar I have frequently faced is in case you have
multiple versions of Python on the same box. Python 2.x & 3.x installed on
the same box. Django version 1.x is compatible with Python 2.x.  Python 3.x
& django 1.x do not work together. In case you have multiple versions of
Python installed, you may have to tweak the PATH to indicate the
appropriate directory in the search path ahead of the other directories.

This is probably your reason for the stuff not working as you have both
2.2.11 & 1.3.1 of Django installed.

1. You may be using an IDE like pycharm/spyder/any other IDE. Normally,
these IDEs try to download packages. In case there is a version mismatch in
the source of the package, there could be a mess up.
2. Your PATH & PYTHONPATH environment variable may not have the relevant
directory or have a different directory with the same file name ahead of
the actual file you want loaded.
3. You may be using a virtualenv. Try to deactivate & try executing the same

Hope this helps.
Kindly share your experience.
Thanks in advance.

God Bless You!
God Bless India!!

Love & Regards
Dr. (h.c.) Khaleel Ahmed H. M.

Managing Director, Tanzanite Realty India Private Limited



Human Life is Precious
Koran Surah Ma'idah Chapter 5 Verse 32:
If anyone killed a person, not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread
mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, & if anyone
saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.

On Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 2:05 AM Eswar Subramanyam <
eswar.subraman...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I opted for Djongo to take advantage of Django ORM with MongoDB..
> but while starting the server, i get the following error
> AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\django\db\utils.py", line
> 121, in load_backend
>     raise ImproperlyConfigured(
> django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: 'djongo' isn't an available
> database backend.
> Try using 'django.db.backends.XXX', where XXX is one of:
>     'mysql', 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'sqlite3'
> I have lost a lot of time trying to figure out, and came to a conclusion
> that i cant use ORM on Mongo DB.
> Have someone got a clue on what going wrong ?
> I dump also all the installed packages
> Thanks for your help/
> Package               Version
> --------------------- ----------
> asgiref               3.2.5
> bson                  0.5.8
> certifi               2019.11.28
> chardet               3.0.4
> dataclasses           0.6
> Django                2.2.11
> django-menu-generator 1.0.4
> djongo                1.3.1
> idna                  2.9
> mongoengine           0.19.1
> pip                   20.0.2
> pymango               0.1.1
> pymongo               3.10.1
> python-dateutil       2.8.1
> pytz                  2019.3
> requests              2.23.0
> setuptools            41.2.0
> six                   1.14.0
> sqlparse              0.2.4
> urllib3               1.25.8
> --
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