First of all - if you are writing something new - use the latest versions
of everything. You shouldn't develop for django 2.2 now - but rather 3.0.
The same goes for python and django channels. Make sure you start with the
latest versions of everything.
Django won't be the issue for what you are proposing. You need to make sure
that you can handle everything in the infrastructure. websockets puts
stress mainly on the http servers - in apache you need a thread per
connected websocket. So the issue isn't the django part, but rather you
infrastructure as a whole.



Den ons 26 feb. 2020 kl 10:39 skrev Levent Engin <>:

> Hi Andreas;
> The  Channels2   system that we are using is for connecting  couriers to
> their working  customers.   This is planned to be a large system using
> Channels2, which is in pilot phase now.
> When a  courier is connected to  channels we create a a database filed to
> keep the user_name and channel_name and when disconnected to delete.   We
> do the same for customers but customers might be connected from many
> browsers and mobile devices (more than one connection).  So we send the
> data ( ws message containing location) coming from couriers  to the actual
> customer connections in a while loop  using  "channel_layer.send"  -  one
> for each .
> I have two questions:
> 1.  Is the sending method used convenient, or should i change it to create
> a group for customers by  user name and use group_send   to them.  Which
> one is better technically?  I see that sometimes channel fails (can be wifi
> - internet failure ) but  systems does not close and it persist as data in
> database so the system tries to send data to non existing channel.  Is
> there a mechanism to check if that channel exists  at the moment?
> 2. This is planned to be a large system   which will contain 3-4 thousand
> couriers and hundreds of customers (with more than one connections).
> Which tools should we use as data load increases?   Is there a
> documentation for that?
> We use:
> channels==2.3.1
> channels-redis==2.4.1
> Django==2.2.4
> Python 3.6.9
> BR
> Levent
> Andréas Kühne <>, 14 Şub 2020 Cum, 11:08
> tarihinde şunu yazdı:
>> Regardless of how the user is connected - if you send a django channels
>> message to the user - you will send it to all connected devices.
>> Regards,
>> Andréas
>> Den ons 12 feb. 2020 kl 20:03 skrev Levent Engin <
>> >:
>>> Hi all.
>>> I want to send Channels2  messages to an individual user who might have
>>> more than one browser tab or device connected.  How can I do that. In
>>> documents it is said that "group_send"  structure  can be used. how can i
>>> implement that?  Is there a sample code for this?
>>> Best  Regards.
>>> Levent
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