Hi! Please find bellow the outputs. When I was using sessions stored in 
cache (specially in Memcached) all things were working good until I wanted 
to upload a data set with larger volume of data : it wasn't be possible to 
put them in cache.

Training dataset uploaded :  Coffee
training dataset saved in django session : 


training dataset copy saved in django session : 
    0         1         2         3         4         5         6        
 7         8    ...       278       279       280       281       282    
   283       284       285       286
0     0 -0.518419 -0.485884 
-0.505007 -0.560183 -0.636299 -0.753229 -0.827229 -0.859765  ... 
-1.922313 -1.924212 -1.926997 -1.928721 -1.930026 -1.932301 -1.933631 
-1.934963 -1.936007

23    1 -0.654035 -0.634715 -0.625911 
-0.650577 -0.710112 -0.793933 -0.876500 -0.917085  ... -1.758149 
-1.760285 -1.763167 -1.766203 -1.768161 -1.769878 -1.771651 -1.772835 
24    1 -0.675463 -0.617801 -0.619069 -0.664476 -0.751102 
-0.841188 -0.900013 -0.937926  ... -1.733537 -1.736082 -1.738777 
-1.741560 -1.743612 -1.745258 -1.747073 -1
50    1 -0.674712 
-0.633369 -0.648089 -0.706044 -0.763404 -0.841210 -0.926266 -0.967801 
 ... -1.798162 -1.800553 -1.803785 -1.806106 -1.808189 -1.810410 
-1.812302 -1.814185 -1.815227
51    1 -0.637021 -0.624313 -0.602822 
-0.644700 -0.735494 -0.798365 -0.866908 -0.920802  ... -1.777194 
-1.779707 -1.782322 -1.784423 -1.786802 -1.789479 
55    1 -0.665276 
-0.636800 -0.639735 -0.687703 -0.760849 -0.839653 -0.898612 -0.923578 
 ... -1.780929 -1.783501 -1.785867 -1.787894 -1.789633 -1.791887 
-1.793747 -1.795334 -1.796873

[56 rows x 287 columns]
In upload_local_dataset Session's keys :  dict_keys(['ts_dataset', 
[26/Feb/2020 08:20:09] "POST /upload_dataset HTTP/1.1" 200 176589
[26/Feb/2020 08:20:13] "GET /uts_datasets HTTP/1.1" 200 35673
In cv_classification Session's keys :  dict_keys([])
Internal Server Error: /cv_classification/5/FOTS/283/None/0/0
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 34, in inner
    response = get_response(request)
 line 115, in _get_response
    response = self.process_exception_by_middleware(e, request)
 line 113, in _get_response
    response = wrapped_callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
 line 260, in cv_classification
    df = pd.read_json(request.session.get('ts_dataset_copy'), 
 line 569, in read_json
    path_or_buf, encoding=encoding, compression=compression
 line 224, in get_filepath_or_buffer
    raise ValueError(msg.format(_type=type(filepath_or_buffer)))
ValueError: Invalid file path or buffer object type: <class 'NoneType'>
[26/Feb/2020 08:20:29] "GET /cv_classification/5/FOTS/283/None/0/0 
HTTP/1.1" 500 84649

Le mercredi 26 février 2020 08:38:08 UTC+1, Naveen Arora a écrit :

 post the output of debugging the above, print after and before in these
 views and also check is something else is working using 
    def upload_local_dataset(request):
        if request.method == 'POST':
            dataset = pd.read_csv(request.FILES.get('datasetfilepath'), 
header=None, index_col=None)
            request.session['ts_datset'] = dataset.to_json(orient='values')
            request.session['ts_dataset_copy'] = 
            return HttpResponse(dataset.to_json(orient='values'))
Post output of this plus the below one
def cv_classification(request, kfolds, dissimilarity_func, 
windows_length=0, noisy_law="", mu=0,std=0):
            noisy_law = noisy_law.lower()
            df = pd.read_json(request.session['ts_dataset_copy'], 
            predictions = cv_classify(df, kfolds, dissimilarity_func, 
windows_length, noisy_law, mu, std)
            return JsonResponse(predictions, safe=False)

On Tuesday, 25 February 2020 03:47:25 UTC+5:30, Guy NANA wrote:
 have an angular frontend app which send file to django backend which 
data is setting in django session. After I send a httprequest to django 
backend to make ML tratements on that data and get the results. But I've a 
500 sever error: keyerror 'ts_dataset_copy': KeyError: 'ts_dataset_copy'
[24/Feb/2020 18:43:46] "GET /cv_classification/5/FOTS/283/None/0/0 
HTTP/1.1" 500 78264. Here are my django code:

Firstly I upload timeseries dataset file from angular frontend (All thing 
is ok)    

    def upload_local_dataset(request):
        if request.method == 'POST':
            dataset = pd.read_csv(request.FILES.get('datasetfilepath'), 
header=None, index_col=None)
            request.session['ts_datset'] = dataset.to_json(orient='values')
            request.session['ts_dataset_copy'] = 
            return HttpResponse(dataset.to_json(orient='values'))

# second httrequest that throws a server internal error

    def cv_classification(request, kfolds, dissimilarity_func, 
windows_length=0, noisy_law="", mu=0, 
            noisy_law = noisy_law.lower()
            df = pd.read_json(request.session['ts_dataset_copy'], 
            predictions = cv_classify(df, kfolds, dissimilarity_func, 
windows_length, noisy_law, mu, std)
            return JsonResponse(predictions, safe=False)

Thanks for your help!

Le lundi 24 février 2020 23:17:25 UTC+1, Guy NANA a écrit :
> I have an angular frontend app which send file to django backend which 
> data is setting in django session. After I send a httprequest to django 
> backend to make ML tratements on that data and get the results. But I've a 
> 500 sever error: keyerror 'ts_dataset_copy': KeyError: 'ts_dataset_copy'
> [24/Feb/2020 18:43:46] "GET /cv_classification/5/FOTS/283/None/0/0 
> HTTP/1.1" 500 78264. Here are my django code:
> Firstly I upload timeseries dataset file from angular frontend (All thing 
> is ok)    
> @csrf_exempt
>     def upload_local_dataset(request):
>         if request.method == 'POST':
>             dataset = pd.read_csv(request.FILES.get('datasetfilepath'), 
> header=None, index_col=None)
>             request.session['ts_datset'] = dataset.to_json(orient='values'
> )
>             request.session['ts_dataset_copy'] = dataset.to_json(orient=
> 'values')
>             return HttpResponse(dataset.to_json(orient='values'))
> # second httrequest that throws a server internal error
>     def cv_classification(request, kfolds, dissimilarity_func, 
> windows_length=0, noisy_law="", mu=0, 
>         std=0):
>             noisy_law = noisy_law.lower()
>             df = pd.read_json(request.session['ts_dataset_copy'], orient=
> 'values')
>             predictions = cv_classify(df, kfolds, dissimilarity_func, 
> windows_length, noisy_law, mu, std)
>             return JsonResponse(predictions, safe=False)
> Thanks for your help!

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