I'm learning Django from django documentation tutorial
But when i want to clone a template from link that was in web , the repo is 
Can i get another template or link to clone ? Thankyouu

Getting a copy of Django’s development version¶ 

The first step to contributing to Django is to get a copy of the source 
code. First, fork Django on GitHub <https://github.com/django/django/fork>. 
Then, from the command line, use the cd command to navigate to the 
directory where you’ll want your local copy of Django to live.

Download the Django source code repository using the following command:
/ 

$ git clone https://github.com/YourGitHubName/django.git

Low bandwidth connection?

You can add the --depth 1 argument to git clone to skip downloading all of 
Django’s commit history, which reduces data transfer from ~250 MB to ~70 MB.

Now that you have a local copy of Django, you can install it just like you 
would install any package using pip. The most convenient way to do so is by 
using a *virtual environment*, which is a feature built into Python that 
allows you to keep a separate directory of installed packages for each of 
your projects so that they don’t interfere with each other.

It’s a good idea to keep all your virtual environments in one place, for 
example in .virtualenvs/ in your home directory.

Create a new virtual environment by running:

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