Dear Django-Team,

I trying to create an IoT application with Django Channels, this is my plan

   - I have is a python program that can fetch data from several hardware 
   devices(PLC, Smart Sensors, etc..) and publish data into the Redis channel 
   (this program is running 24/7 and 365 days).
   - Now I want to forward this data into UI framework (Vue js) using  
   Django (latest) + Channels (latest). Once the UI framework received this 
   data I will render using charts and other animations. (this program should 
   running 24/7 and 365 days )
   - So far I have understood that Django can't directly listen to Redis 
   PubSub Channel and send data through WebSockets to all connected clients. ( 
   Reference link 
   - So I want to run one more program which can run along with Django 
   Server and listens to Redis channels and sends data to Django-Channels 
   Group (As you know once channels group receives data it will broadcast to 
   all connected client on the same group)
   - But I am facing a few issues,
      - I have read that the channels group will expire after 24 hours. How 
      to handle this situation?
      - I am not sure how stable is my methodology. Is it a better way to 
      do for an application that should run for a lifelong time?
      - Somehow if I managed above two points, how to pack this entire 
      application and distribute it?
So far I have done, once the Django server is running, I am starting an 
application and posting data into WebSocket endpoint then it's broadcasting 
the same data to all connected clients.

But it's not sable and throwing an exception after 2-3 hours. I have 
attached Publisher and Subscriber code below for your ref.

*If I stabilize this application I want to make this application 
open-source so Django can be used for IoT application as well*

[image: Base.png]
import redis
import time
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
import random
import json

def Publish():
       r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6379)                # 
Connect to local Redis instance
       p = r.pubsub()
       while True:
           for i in range(10):
               topicname = 'ch' + str(i)
               randnum = random.randint(1,100) 
                mydict = {'Temperature': randnum}
               data = json.dumps(mydict)
               r.publish(topicname, data)                                  # 
PUBLISH Data on topic
               print(f"{} Published Data {data} on Topic {

    except Exception as e:
       print("!!!!!!!!!! EXCEPTION !!!!!!!!!")
if __name__ == "__main__":

import time
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
import redis
import json
import websocket
ws = websocket.WebSocket()

def Subscribe():
       r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6379,decode_responses=
True)                          # Connect to local Redis instance
       topicname = ['ch0','ch1','ch2','ch3','ch4']
       p = r.pubsub()                                                       
        print(f"Subscriber Started For Topic {topicname}...")
       for message in p.listen():                                           
       # Checks for message
           data = message['data']
           if type(data) == str:
               j_data = json.loads(data)
               print(f"{} Data is : {j_data}")
   except Exception as e:
       print("!!!!!!!!!! EXCEPTION !!!!!!!!!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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