On 31/01/2020 9:53 pm, Santhosh sridhar wrote:
Im upgrading my django project from 1.8 to 2.2.0. I have done the
below changes.
1. Added on_delete to all the Foreign Key fields
2. Changed the url reverse import as from django.urls import reverse
3. Included path/re_path instead of url in all the app's url files.
4. Changed the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES import in settings files to
I tried to run the server, still it says "TypeError: __init__()
missing 1 required positional argument: 'on_delete' and it is pointing
to /usr2/santhosh/myproject/myapp/migrations/0002_abc.py
There is nothing stopping you from adding the same arg to teh migration
file as you added to the model field concerned.
I frequently go back and edit migration files when all that's changed
for example is some help_text. I prefer to keep the number of migration
files as low as reasonable.
What should I do now? Do I need to delete all the migration files and
re-run python manage.py migrate or what?? Help me you are aware.
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